Data Literacy



Confirmed talks:

  • Sir Nigel Shadbolt, Professor of Artificial Intelligence at Southampton University and President and Founder of the Open Data Institute
  • Katelyn Rogers, School of Data.
  • James Stewart, Director of Technical Architecture at UK Government Data Services
  • Jonathan Gray, Director of Policy and Research at Open Knowledge and Researcher at the University of London, the University of Amsterdam and Columbia University

Accepted papers:

Structure of the Workshop

The workshop falls into three parts of approximately one hour each.

Part 1: A panel of invited experts who have pressing concerns in which they see data literacy playing a role such as open data, citizen science, and democratic engagement. These are not necessarily academics. The aim of this first hour is to ground the subsequent speakers and discussion in real issues that might be addressed by data literacy in some form. See below for a list of possible panellists.

Part 2: Three or four papers by academics from different disciplines which illustrate relevant research in their field. These will be from a wide a range of disciplines such as statistics, sociology, psychology, education, information technology and politics. Academics will be invited to submit papers – the organising committee will select the papers to be presented (see below for details).

Part 3 is a plenary discussion examining how the previous speaker’s topics relate to each other and the potential for future research including agreeing future actions.


14:00 Introduction

14:10 Panel session.

15:00 Break.

15:10 Presentation of papers (three 20 minute presentations or four 15 minute presentations).

16:10 Break

16:20 Plenary discussion.

16:50 Agree actions and wrap up.

17:00 Close

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